January Volunteer Of The Month

Kristine Luke joined our USO Wiesbaden volunteer team in August of 2018, just a few months after arriving here. She is an active duty Airman and, along with her husband Brent, volunteers at the USO in support of fellow service members and their families. Kristine has a natural leadership quality about her that lends itself to making everything she does successful. She has volunteered for programs like our USO Veteran’s Day Breakfast, many USO Discover Germany Tours, Baking Brigade, and one of our biggest programs of the year, Winter Fest. Her natural fun filled attitude and spirit makes her so easy to work with and her attention to detail is impeccable. Kristine has taken leadership roles in programs, that without that guidance, would not have been as successful. She does not mind working behind the scenes and is very humble about all she contributes. The Wiesbaden USO is so fortunate to have Kristine Luke on our team of volunteers. Congratulations and thank you for your service to our country and the USO.

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